If you are not completely satisfied with any product from ACTIONETIX (Action Brands LLC) simply email us at info@action-brands.com and put “Return of Product” in the Subject line. You can also call us directly at 1.303.882.9904. We will then contact you with a brief Return Authorization Form to fill out and include with your return. You can return an opened or unopened product as long as it is within 60 days of the original purchase date. You must return the item(s) to us. We will then arrange the appropriate refund, replacement or in-store credit. For supplements, we cannot accept returns or exchanges on the items that you receive resulting from this return of an opened bottle.

In the United States

To return the item(s) in Canad and the US, simply send them in a carefully packed box to:

7019 S. Garrison St.
Littleton, CO

Also, we recommend using a shipping method that assigns step-by-step tracking to your package when returning the item to our warehouses. We will make sure the replacement item is shipped to you in a timely manner of receiving the original item back at our warehouse. We will also email you with a shipping confirmation. We are not responsible for the amount of time it takes for the item to be returned to our facility, or if the item is lost or broken during the process.